Carma-platform v4.2.0
CARMA Platform is built on robot operating system (ROS) and utilizes open source software (OSS) that enables Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) features to allow Automated Driving Systems to interact and cooperate with infrastructure and other vehicles through communication.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 LEIDOS.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15from ament_index_python import get_package_share_directory
16import launch
17from launch.actions import Shutdown
18from launch import LaunchDescription
19from launch_ros.actions import Node
20from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription
21from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
22from launch.substitutions import ThisLaunchFileDir
23from launch.substitutions import EnvironmentVariable
24from launch.actions import GroupAction
25from launch.conditions import IfCondition
26from launch_ros.actions import PushRosNamespace
27from carma_ros2_utils.launch.get_log_level import GetLogLevel
28from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration, PythonExpression
29from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
30from launch.actions import OpaqueFunction
32from tracetools_launch.action import Trace
34from datetime import datetime
36import os
38from launch import LaunchDescription, LaunchContext
40def create_ros2_tracing_action(context, *args, **kwargs):
41 """
42 Opaque Function for generating a 'Trace' ROS 2 launch action, which is dependent on the
43 'ROS_LOG_DIR' EnvironmentVariable and the 'is_ros2_tracing_enabled' LaunchConfiguration.
45 NOTE: This Opaque Function is required in order to evaluate the 'ROS_LOG_DIR' environment
46 variable as a string.
47 """
48 log_directory_string = launch.substitutions.EnvironmentVariable('ROS_LOG_DIR').perform(context)
50 trace = GroupAction(
51 condition=IfCondition(LaunchConfiguration('is_ros2_tracing_enabled')),
52 actions=[
53 Trace(
54 base_path = log_directory_string,
55 session_name='my-tracing-session-' + str('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S')),
56 events_kernel = [], # Empty since kernel tracing is not enabled for CARMA Platform
57 )
58 ]
59 )
61 return [trace]
64 """
65 Launch CARMA System.
66 """
68 system_controller_param_file = os.path.join(
69 get_package_share_directory('system_controller'), 'config/config.yaml')
71 env_log_levels = EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_ROS_LOGGING_CONFIG', default_value='{ "default_level" : "WARN" }')
73 # Declare the vehicle_calibration_dir launch argument
74 vehicle_calibration_dir = LaunchConfiguration('vehicle_calibration_dir')
75 declare_vehicle_calibration_dir_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
76 name = 'vehicle_calibration_dir',
77 default_value = "/opt/carma/vehicle/calibration",
78 description = "Path to folder containing vehicle calibration directories"
79 )
81 vehicle_config_dir = LaunchConfiguration('vehicle_config_dir')
82 declare_vehicle_config_dir_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
83 name = 'vehicle_config_dir',
84 default_value = "/opt/carma/vehicle/config",
85 description = "Path to file containing vehicle config directories"
86 )
88 vehicle_characteristics_param_file = LaunchConfiguration('vehicle_characteristics_param_file')
89 declare_vehicle_characteristics_param_file_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
90 name = 'vehicle_characteristics_param_file',
91 default_value = [vehicle_calibration_dir, "/identifiers/UniqueVehicleParams.yaml"],
92 description = "Path to file containing unique vehicle characteristics"
93 )
95 # Declare the vehicle_config_param_file launch argument
96 vehicle_config_param_file = LaunchConfiguration('vehicle_config_param_file')
97 declare_vehicle_config_param_file_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
98 name = 'vehicle_config_param_file',
99 default_value = [vehicle_config_dir, "/VehicleConfigParams.yaml"],
100 description = "Path to file contain vehicle configuration parameters"
101 )
103 use_sim_time = LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')
104 declare_use_sim_time_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
105 name = 'use_sim_time',
106 default_value = 'False',
107 description = "True of simulation mode is on"
108 )
110 is_spat_wall_time = LaunchConfiguration('is_spat_wall_time')
111 declare_is_spat_wall_time_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
112 name = 'is_spat_wall_time',
113 default_value = 'True',
114 description = "True if SPaT is being published based on wall clock"
115 )
117 #Declare the route file folder launch argument
118 route_file_folder = LaunchConfiguration('route_file_folder')
119 declare_route_file_folder = DeclareLaunchArgument(
120 name = 'route_file_folder',
121 default_value='/opt/carma/routes/',
122 description = 'Path of folder containing routes to load'
123 )
125 # Declare enable_guidance_plugin_validate
126 enable_guidance_plugin_validator = LaunchConfiguration('enable_guidance_plugin_validator')
127 declare_enable_guidance_plugin_validator = DeclareLaunchArgument(
128 name = 'enable_guidance_plugin_validator',
129 default_value='false',
130 description='Flag indicating whether the Guidance Plugin Validator node will actively validate guidance strategic, tactical, and control plugins'
131 )
133 # Declare strategic_plugins_to_validate
134 strategic_plugins_to_validate = LaunchConfiguration('strategic_plugins_to_validate')
135 declare_strategic_plugins_to_validate = DeclareLaunchArgument(
136 name = 'strategic_plugins_to_validate',
137 default_value = '[]',
138 description = 'List of String: Guidance Strategic Plugins that will be validated by the Guidance Plugin Validator Node if enabled'
139 )
141 # Declare tactical_plugins_to_validate
142 tactical_plugins_to_validate = LaunchConfiguration('tactical_plugins_to_validate')
143 declare_tactical_plugins_to_validate = DeclareLaunchArgument(
144 name = 'tactical_plugins_to_validate',
145 default_value='[]',
146 description='List of String: Guidance Tactical Plugins that will be validated by the Guidance Plugin Validator Node if enabled'
147 )
149 # Declare control_plugins_to_validate
150 control_plugins_to_validate = LaunchConfiguration('control_plugins_to_validate')
151 declare_control_plugins_to_validate = DeclareLaunchArgument(
152 name = 'control_plugins_to_validate',
153 default_value= '[]',
154 description='List of String: Guidance Control Plugins that will be validated by the Guidance Plugin Validator Node if enabled'
155 )
157 # Declare enable_opening_tunnels
158 enable_opening_tunnels = LaunchConfiguration('enable_opening_tunnels')
159 declare_enable_opening_tunnels = DeclareLaunchArgument(
160 name = 'enable_opening_tunnels',
161 default_value= 'False',
162 description='Flag to enable opening http tunnesl to CARMA Cloud'
163 )
165 # Declare port
166 port = LaunchConfiguration('port')
167 declare_port = DeclareLaunchArgument(
168 name = 'port',
169 default_value= "9090",
170 description='The default port for rosbridge is 909'
171 )
173 # Declare launch arguments for points_map_loader
174 load_type = LaunchConfiguration('load_type')
175 declare_load_type= DeclareLaunchArgument(name = 'load_type', default_value = "noupdate")
177 single_pcd_path = LaunchConfiguration('single_pcd_path')
178 declare_single_pcd_path = DeclareLaunchArgument(name='single_pcd_path', default_value="['/opt/carma/maps/pcd_map.pcd']")
180 area = LaunchConfiguration('area')
181 declare_area = DeclareLaunchArgument(name='area', default_value="1x1")
183 arealist_path = LaunchConfiguration('arealist_path')
184 declare_arealist_path = DeclareLaunchArgument(name='arealist_path', default_value="/opt/carma/maps/arealist.txt")
186 vector_map_file = LaunchConfiguration('vector_map_file')
187 declare_vector_map_file = DeclareLaunchArgument(name='vector_map_file', default_value='/opt/carma/maps/vector_map.osm')
189 is_ros2_tracing_enabled = LaunchConfiguration('is_ros2_tracing_enabled')
190 declare_is_ros2_tracing_enabled = DeclareLaunchArgument(
191 name='is_ros2_tracing_enabled',
192 default_value = 'False',
193 description = 'True if user wants ROS 2 Tracing logs to be generated from CARMA Platform.')
195 # Launch ROS2 rosbag logging
196 ros2_rosbag_launch = GroupAction(
197 actions=[
198 IncludeLaunchDescription(
199 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
200 launch_arguments = {
201 'vehicle_config_dir' : vehicle_config_dir,
202 'vehicle_config_param_file' : vehicle_config_param_file
203 }.items()
204 )
205 ]
206 )
208 # Nodes
210 transform_group = GroupAction(
211 actions=[
212 PushRosNamespace(EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_TF_NS', default_value='/')),
213 IncludeLaunchDescription(
214 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
215 launch_arguments = {
216 'vehicle_config_param_file' : vehicle_config_param_file,
217 'use_sim_time' : use_sim_time
218 }.items()
219 ),
220 ]
221 )
223 environment_group = GroupAction(
224 actions=[
225 PushRosNamespace(EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_ENV_NS', default_value='environment')),
226 IncludeLaunchDescription(
227 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
228 launch_arguments = {
229 'subsystem_controller_param_file' : [vehicle_config_dir, '/SubsystemControllerParams.yaml'],
230 'vehicle_config_param_file' : vehicle_config_param_file,
231 'vehicle_characteristics_param_file' : vehicle_characteristics_param_file,
232 'vector_map_file' : vector_map_file,
233 'use_sim_time' : use_sim_time
234 }.items()
235 ),
236 ]
237 )
239 localization_group = GroupAction(
240 actions=[
241 PushRosNamespace(EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_LOCZ_NS', default_value='localization')),
242 IncludeLaunchDescription(
243 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
244 launch_arguments = {
245 'vehicle_config_param_file' : vehicle_config_param_file,
246 'subsystem_controller_param_file' : [vehicle_config_dir, '/SubsystemControllerParams.yaml'],
247 'load_type' : load_type,
248 'single_pcd_path' : single_pcd_path,
249 'area' : area,
250 'arealist_path' : arealist_path,
251 'vector_map_file' : vector_map_file,
252 'vehicle_calibration_dir': vehicle_calibration_dir,
253 'use_sim_time' : use_sim_time
254 }.items()
255 )
256 ]
257 )
259 v2x_group = GroupAction(
260 actions=[
261 PushRosNamespace(EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_MSG_NS', default_value='message')),
262 IncludeLaunchDescription(
263 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
264 launch_arguments = {
265 'vehicle_characteristics_param_file' : vehicle_characteristics_param_file,
266 'vehicle_config_param_file' : vehicle_config_param_file,
267 'enable_opening_tunnels' : enable_opening_tunnels,
268 'subsystem_controller_param_file' : [vehicle_config_dir, '/SubsystemControllerParams.yaml'],
269 'use_sim_time' : use_sim_time
270 }.items()
271 ),
272 ]
273 )
275 guidance_group = GroupAction(
276 actions=[
277 PushRosNamespace(EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_GUIDE_NS', default_value='guidance')),
279 IncludeLaunchDescription(
280 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
281 launch_arguments={
282 'route_file_folder' : route_file_folder,
283 'vehicle_characteristics_param_file' : vehicle_characteristics_param_file,
284 'vehicle_config_param_file' : vehicle_config_param_file,
285 'enable_guidance_plugin_validator' : enable_guidance_plugin_validator,
286 'strategic_plugins_to_validate' : strategic_plugins_to_validate,
287 'tactical_plugins_to_validate' : tactical_plugins_to_validate,
288 'control_plugins_to_validate' : control_plugins_to_validate,
289 'subsystem_controller_param_file' : [vehicle_config_dir, '/SubsystemControllerParams.yaml'],
290 'use_sim_time' : use_sim_time,
291 'is_spat_wall_time' : is_spat_wall_time
292 }.items()
293 ),
294 ]
295 )
297 drivers_group = GroupAction(
298 actions=[
299 PushRosNamespace(EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_INTR_NS', default_value='hardware_interface')),
300 IncludeLaunchDescription(
301 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
302 launch_arguments = {
303 'subsystem_controller_param_file' : [vehicle_config_dir, '/SubsystemControllerParams.yaml'],
304 'vehicle_config_param_file' : vehicle_config_param_file,
305 'use_sim_time' : use_sim_time
306 }.items()
307 ),
308 ]
309 )
311 system_controller = Node(
312 package='system_controller',
313 name='system_controller',
314 executable='system_controller',
315 parameters=[
316 system_controller_param_file,
317 {"use_sim_time" : use_sim_time}],
318 on_exit = Shutdown(), # Mark the subsystem controller as required for segfaults
319 arguments=['--ros-args', '--log-level', GetLogLevel('system_controller', env_log_levels)]
320 )
322 ui_group = GroupAction(
323 actions=[
324 PushRosNamespace(EnvironmentVariable('CARMA_UI_NS', default_value='ui')),
326 IncludeLaunchDescription(
327 PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([ThisLaunchFileDir(), '/']),
328 launch_arguments={
329 'port' : port
330 }.items()
331 ),
332 ]
333 )
335 return LaunchDescription([
336 declare_vehicle_calibration_dir_arg,
337 declare_vehicle_config_dir_arg,
338 declare_vehicle_characteristics_param_file_arg,
339 declare_vehicle_config_param_file_arg,
340 declare_use_sim_time_arg,
341 declare_is_spat_wall_time_arg,
342 declare_route_file_folder,
343 declare_enable_guidance_plugin_validator,
344 declare_strategic_plugins_to_validate,
345 declare_tactical_plugins_to_validate,
346 declare_control_plugins_to_validate,
347 declare_enable_opening_tunnels,
348 declare_port,
349 declare_load_type,
350 declare_single_pcd_path,
351 declare_area,
352 declare_arealist_path,
353 declare_vector_map_file,
354 declare_is_ros2_tracing_enabled,
355 ros2_rosbag_launch,
356 OpaqueFunction(function=create_ros2_tracing_action),
357 drivers_group,
358 transform_group,
359 environment_group,
360 localization_group,
361 v2x_group,
362 guidance_group,
363 ui_group,
364 system_controller
365 ])
def create_ros2_tracing_action(context, *args, **kwargs)
def generate_launch_description()