Carma-platform v4.2.0
CARMA Platform is built on robot operating system (ROS) and utilizes open source software (OSS) that enables Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) features to allow Automated Driving Systems to interact and cooperate with infrastructure and other vehicles through communication.
traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker Class Reference

#include <traffic_incident_parser_worker.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

using PublishTrafficControlCallback = std::function< void(const carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessage &)>

Public Member Functions

 TrafficIncidentParserWorker (carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr wm, const PublishTrafficControlCallback &traffic_control_pub, rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr logger, rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr clock)
 TrafficIncidentParserWorker constructor. More...
void georeferenceCallback (std_msgs::msg::String::UniquePtr projection_msg)
 Callback for the georeference subscriber used to set the map projection. More...
void mobilityOperationCallback (carma_v2x_msgs::msg::MobilityOperation::UniquePtr mobility_msg)
 Function to receive the incoming mobility operation message from the message node and publish the geofence message upon processing the mobility msg. Only incoming mobility operation messages with strategy "carma3/Incident_Use_Case" are processed. More...
bool mobilityMessageParser (std::string mobility_strategy_params)
 Function to help parse incoming mobility operation messages to required format. More...
std::string stringParserHelper (std::string str, unsigned long str_index) const
 Function to help convert string to double data type. More...
std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessageV01 > composeTrafficControlMesssages ()
 Algorithm for extracting the closed lanelet from internally saved mobility message (or geofence) params and assigning it to a traffic contol message. Closed lanelets are represent by vector of points, where each point represents the geometric middle point of a closed lanelet. More...
lanelet::BasicPoint2d getIncidentOriginPoint () const
 Function to convert internally saved incident origin point from lat/lon to local map frame. More...
void getAdjacentForwardCenterlines (const lanelet::ConstLanelets &adjacentSet, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &start_point, double downtrack, std::vector< std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > > *forward_lanes) const
 Helper method to compute the concatenated centerlines of the lanes in front of the emergency vehicle point. More...
void getAdjacentReverseCenterlines (const lanelet::ConstLanelets &adjacentSet, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &start_point, double uptrack, std::vector< std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > > *reverse_lanes) const
 Helper method that is identical to getAdjacentForwardCenterlines except it works in reverse using uptrack distance. More...

Public Attributes

double latitude = 0.0
double longitude = 0.0
double down_track = 0.0
double up_track = 0.0
double min_gap = 0.0
double speed_advisory = 0.0
std::string event_reason
std::string event_type
std::string previous_strategy_params =""

Private Attributes

lanelet::BasicPoint2d local_point_
std::string projection_msg_
PublishTrafficControlCallback traffic_control_pub_
carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr wm_
rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr logger_
rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr clock_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PublishTrafficControlCallback

using traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::PublishTrafficControlCallback = std::function<void(const carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessage&)>

Definition at line 48 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrafficIncidentParserWorker()

traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::TrafficIncidentParserWorker ( carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr  wm,
const PublishTrafficControlCallback traffic_control_pub,
rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr  logger,
rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr  clock 

Member Function Documentation

◆ composeTrafficControlMesssages()

std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessageV01 > traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::composeTrafficControlMesssages ( )

Algorithm for extracting the closed lanelet from internally saved mobility message (or geofence) params and assigning it to a traffic contol message. Closed lanelets are represent by vector of points, where each point represents the geometric middle point of a closed lanelet.

A vector of traffic control messages; one for each closed lane.

Definition at line 277 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

278 {
279 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "In composeTrafficControlMesssages");
280 if(!wm_->getMap())
281 {
282 RCLCPP_WARN_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Traffic Incident Parser is composing a Traffic Control Message, but it has not loaded the map yet. Returning empty list");
283 return {};
284 }
285 if (projection_msg_ == "")
286 {
287 RCLCPP_WARN_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Traffic Incident Parser is composing a Traffic Control Message, but georeference has not loaded yet. Returning empty list");
288 return {};
289 }
291 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Responder point in map frame: " << local_point_.x() << ", " << local_point_.y());
292 auto current_lanelets = lanelet::geometry::findNearest(wm_->getMap()->laneletLayer, local_point_, 1);
293 if (current_lanelets.empty()) {
294 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "No nearest lanelet to responder vehicle in map point: " << local_point_.x() << ", " << local_point_.y());
295 return {};
296 }
298 lanelet::ConstLanelet current_lanelet = current_lanelets[0].second;
300 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Nearest Lanelet: " <<;
302 lanelet::ConstLanelets lefts = { current_lanelet };
303 for (const auto& l : wm_->getMapRoutingGraph()->lefts(current_lanelet)) {
304 lefts.emplace_back(l);
305 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Left lanelet: " <<;
306 }
308 lanelet::ConstLanelets rights = wm_->getMapRoutingGraph()->rights(current_lanelet);
309 for (const auto& l : rights) {
310 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Right lanelet: " <<;
311 }
313 // Assume that if there are more lanelets to the left than the right then the tahoe is on the left
314 std::vector<std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d>> forward_lanes;
315 std::vector<std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d>> reverse_lanes;
317 if (lefts.size() >= rights.size()) {
318 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Emergency vehicle on the right ");
320 getAdjacentReverseCenterlines(lefts, local_point_, up_track, &reverse_lanes);
321 } else {
322 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Emergency vehicle on the left ");
323 getAdjacentForwardCenterlines(rights, local_point_, down_track, &forward_lanes);
324 getAdjacentReverseCenterlines(rights, local_point_, up_track, &reverse_lanes);
325 }
327 for (auto& lane : reverse_lanes) {
328 std::reverse(lane.begin(), lane.end()); // Reverse the backward points
329 }
331 // Compine results
332 for (size_t i = 0; i < reverse_lanes.size(); i++) {
333 if (forward_lanes[i].size() > 1) {
334 reverse_lanes[i].insert(reverse_lanes[i].end(), forward_lanes[i].begin() + 1, forward_lanes[i].end()); // Concat linestirngs but drop the shared point
335 }
336 }
338 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Constructing message for lanes: " << reverse_lanes.size());
339 std::vector<carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessageV01> output_msg;
341 carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessageV01 traffic_mobility_msg;
343 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry_exists=true;
344 traffic_mobility_msg.params_exists=true;
345 traffic_mobility_msg.package_exists=true;
346 j2735_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlVehClass veh_type;
347 veh_type.vehicle_class = j2735_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlVehClass::ANY; // TODO decide what vehicle is affected
348 traffic_mobility_msg.params.vclasses.push_back(veh_type);
349 traffic_mobility_msg.params.schedule.start=clock_->now();
350 traffic_mobility_msg.params.schedule.end_exists=false;
351 traffic_mobility_msg.params.schedule.dow_exists=false;
352 traffic_mobility_msg.params.schedule.between_exists=false;
353 traffic_mobility_msg.params.schedule.repeat_exists = false;
356 // Begin handling of projection definition
357 // This logic works by enforcing the ROS2 message specifications for TrafficControlMessage on the output data
358 // First the latlon point in the provided data is identified, then a projection with a north east oriented tmerc frame is created to compute node locations
360 std::string common_frame = "WGS84"; // Common frame to use for lat/lon definition. This will populate the datum field of the message. A more complex CRS should not be used here
362 PJ* common_to_map_proj = proj_create_crs_to_crs(PJ_DEFAULT_CTX, common_frame.c_str(), projection_msg_.c_str() , nullptr); // Create transformation between map frame and common frame. Reverse here takes map->latlon. Froward is latlon->map
364 if (common_to_map_proj == nullptr) { // proj_create_crs_to_crs returns 0 when there is an error in the projection
366 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Failed to generate projection between map georeference and common frame with error number: " << proj_context_errno(PJ_DEFAULT_CTX)
367 << " projection_msg_: " << projection_msg_ << " common_frame: " << common_frame);
369 return {}; // Ignore geofence if it could not be projected into the map frame
370 }
372 PJ_COORD map_origin_map_frame{{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; // Map origin to use as ref lat/lon
373 PJ_COORD map_origin_in_common_frame;
375 map_origin_in_common_frame = proj_trans(common_to_map_proj, PJ_INV, map_origin_map_frame);
377 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.datum = "WGS84";
378 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.reflat = map_origin_in_common_frame.lpz.lam;
379 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.reflon = map_origin_in_common_frame.lpz.phi;
381 std::ostringstream lat_string;
382 std::ostringstream lon_string;
384 lat_string.precision(14);
385 lat_string << std::fixed << traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.reflat;
387 lon_string.precision(14);
388 lon_string << std::fixed << traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.reflon;
390 // Create a local transverse mercator frame at the reference point to allow us to get east,north oriented data reguardless of map projection orientation
391 // This is needed to match the TrafficControlMessage specification
392 std::string local_tmerc_enu_proj = "+proj=tmerc +datum=WGS84 +h_0=0 +lat_0=" + lat_string.str() + " +lon_0=" + lon_string.str() + " +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +units=m +vunits=m +no_defs";
394 PJ* map_to_tmerc_proj = proj_create_crs_to_crs(PJ_DEFAULT_CTX, projection_msg_.c_str(), local_tmerc_enu_proj.c_str() , nullptr); // Create transformation between the common frame and the local ENU oriented frame
396 if (map_to_tmerc_proj == nullptr) { // proj_create_crs_to_crs returns 0 when there is an error in the projection
398 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Failed to generate projection between map georeference and tmerc frame with error number: " << proj_context_errno(PJ_DEFAULT_CTX)
399 << " projection_msg_: " << projection_msg_ << " local_tmerc_enu_proj: " << local_tmerc_enu_proj);
401 return {}; // Ignore geofence if it could not be projected into the map frame
402 }
404 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.proj = local_tmerc_enu_proj;
406 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Projection in message: " << traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.proj);
409 // Projections setup. Next projections will be used for node computation
412 for (size_t i = 0; i < reverse_lanes.size(); i++) {
414 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.nodes.clear();
415 if (reverse_lanes[i].size() == 0) {
416 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Skipping empty lane");
417 continue;
418 }
421 PJ_COORD map_pt{{reverse_lanes[i].front().x(), reverse_lanes[i].front().y(), 0.0, 0.0}}; // Map point to convert to tmerc frame
423 PJ_COORD tmerc_pt = proj_trans(map_to_tmerc_proj, PJ_FWD, map_pt);
425 carma_v2x_msgs::msg::PathNode prev_point;
426 prev_point.x =;
427 prev_point.y =;
428 bool first = true;
429 for(const auto& p : carma_ros2_utils::containers::downsample_vector(reverse_lanes[i], 8))
430 {
431 carma_v2x_msgs::msg::PathNode delta;
433 map_pt = PJ_COORD({p.x(), p.y(), 0.0, 0.0}); // Map point to convert to tmerc frame
434 tmerc_pt = proj_trans(map_to_tmerc_proj, PJ_FWD, map_pt); // Convert point to tmerc frame
436 - prev_point.x;
437 - prev_point.y;
439 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "prev_point x" << prev_point.x << ", prev_point y " << prev_point.y);
440 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "" << << ", " <<;
441 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "map_pt x" << p.x() << ", map_pt y " << p.y());
443 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "calculated diff x" << delta.x << ", diff y" << delta.y);
444 if (first)
445 {
446 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.nodes.push_back(prev_point);
447 first = false;
448 }
449 else
450 {
451 traffic_mobility_msg.geometry.nodes.push_back(delta);
452 }
454 prev_point.x = p.x();
455 prev_point.y = p.y();
456 }
458 if (i == 0) {
459 boost::uuids::uuid closure_id = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
460 std::copy(closure_id.begin(), closure_id.end(),;
461 traffic_mobility_msg.params.detail.choice=carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlDetail::CLOSED_CHOICE;
462 traffic_mobility_msg.params.detail.closed=carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlDetail::CLOSED;
463 traffic_mobility_msg.package.label=event_reason;
464 output_msg.push_back(traffic_mobility_msg);
465 }
467 boost::uuids::uuid headway_id = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
468 std::copy(headway_id.begin(), headway_id.end(),;
469 traffic_mobility_msg.params.detail.choice=carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlDetail::MINHDWY_CHOICE;
470 traffic_mobility_msg.params.detail.minhdwy=min_gap;
471 output_msg.push_back(traffic_mobility_msg);
473 boost::uuids::uuid speed_id = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
474 std::copy(speed_id.begin(), speed_id.end(),;
475 traffic_mobility_msg.params.detail.choice=carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlDetail::MAXSPEED_CHOICE;
476 traffic_mobility_msg.params.detail.maxspeed=speed_advisory;
477 output_msg.push_back(traffic_mobility_msg);
479 }
482 return output_msg;
484 }
lanelet::BasicPoint2d getIncidentOriginPoint() const
Function to convert internally saved incident origin point from lat/lon to local map frame.
void getAdjacentForwardCenterlines(const lanelet::ConstLanelets &adjacentSet, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &start_point, double downtrack, std::vector< std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > > *forward_lanes) const
Helper method to compute the concatenated centerlines of the lanes in front of the emergency vehicle ...
void getAdjacentReverseCenterlines(const lanelet::ConstLanelets &adjacentSet, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &start_point, double uptrack, std::vector< std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > > *reverse_lanes) const
Helper method that is identical to getAdjacentForwardCenterlines except it works in reverse using upt...

References clock_, down_track, event_reason, getAdjacentForwardCenterlines(), getAdjacentReverseCenterlines(), getIncidentOriginPoint(), process_bag::i, local_point_, logger_, min_gap, projection_msg_, speed_advisory, up_track, and wm_.

Referenced by mobilityOperationCallback().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ georeferenceCallback()

void traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::georeferenceCallback ( std_msgs::msg::String::UniquePtr  projection_msg)

Callback for the georeference subscriber used to set the map projection.

msgThe latest georeference.

Definition at line 58 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

59 {
60 projection_msg_=projection_msg->data;
61 }

References projection_msg_.

Referenced by traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserNode::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAdjacentForwardCenterlines()

void traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::getAdjacentForwardCenterlines ( const lanelet::ConstLanelets &  adjacentSet,
const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &  start_point,
double  downtrack,
std::vector< std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > > *  forward_lanes 
) const

Helper method to compute the concatenated centerlines of the lanes in front of the emergency vehicle point.

adjacentSetThe set of adjacent lanes to start from
start_pointPoint to start the downtrack calculation from. Should be the emergency vehicle points
downtrackdowntrack distance to grab centerline points from
forward_lanesOuput parameter which will be populated with the centerlines for each lane up to the downtrack distance

Definition at line 183 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

185 {
186 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "getAdjacentForwardCenterlines");
187 for (const auto& ll : adjacentSet) {
188 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Processing adjacent lanelet: " <<;
189 std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d> following_lane;
190 auto cur_ll = ll;
191 double dist = 0;
194 // Identify the point to start the accumulation from
195 size_t p_idx = getNearestPointIndex(cur_ll.centerline(), start_point); // Get the index of the nearest point
197 lanelet::BasicPoint2d prev_point = cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx].basicPoint2d();
199 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "nearest point" << cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx].id() << " : " << prev_point.x() << ", " << prev_point.y());
201 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "p_idx: " << p_idx);
203 // Accumulate distance
204 while (dist < downtrack) {
205 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Accumulating lanelet: " <<;
206 if (p_idx == cur_ll.centerline().size()) {
207 auto next_lls = wm_->getMapRoutingGraph()->following(cur_ll, false);
208 if (next_lls.empty()) {
209 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "No followers");
210 break;
211 }
212 const auto& next = next_lls[0];
213 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Getting next lanelet: " <<;
214 cur_ll = next;
215 p_idx = 0;
216 }
217 if (p_idx != 0 || dist == 0) {
218 following_lane.push_back(lanelet::traits::to2D(cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx]));
219 dist += lanelet::geometry::distance2d(prev_point, following_lane.back());
220 }
221 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "distance " << dist);
222 prev_point = lanelet::traits::to2D(cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx]);
223 p_idx++;
224 }
225 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Adding lane with size: " << following_lane.size());
226 forward_lanes->emplace_back(following_lane);
227 }
228 }
size_t getNearestPointIndex(const lanelet::ConstLineString3d &points, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &point)
Helper method to get the nearest point index of a point and a linestring.

References traffic_incident_parser::getNearestPointIndex(), logger_, and wm_.

Referenced by composeTrafficControlMesssages().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAdjacentReverseCenterlines()

void traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::getAdjacentReverseCenterlines ( const lanelet::ConstLanelets &  adjacentSet,
const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &  start_point,
double  uptrack,
std::vector< std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > > *  reverse_lanes 
) const

Helper method that is identical to getAdjacentForwardCenterlines except it works in reverse using uptrack distance.

adjacentSetThe set of adjacent lanes to start from
start_pointPoint to start the downtrack calculation from. Should be the emergency vehicle points
downtrackdowntrack distance to grab centerline points from
forward_lanesOuput parameter which will be populated with the centerlines for each lane up to the downtrack distance

Definition at line 230 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

232 {
233 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "getAdjacentReverseCenterlines");
234 for (const auto& ll : adjacentSet) {
235 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Processing adjacent lanelet: " <<;
236 std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d> previous_lane;
237 auto cur_ll = ll;
238 double dist = 0;
240 // Identify the point to start the accumulation from
241 size_t p_idx = getNearestPointIndex(cur_ll.centerline(), start_point); // Get the index of the nearest point
243 lanelet::BasicPoint2d prev_point = cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx].basicPoint2d();
245 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "nearest point" << cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx].id() << " : " << prev_point.x() << ", " << prev_point.y());
247 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "p_idx: " << p_idx);
249 // Accumulate distance
250 while (dist < uptrack) {
251 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Accumulating lanelet: " <<;
252 if (p_idx == 0) {
253 auto next_lls = wm_->getMapRoutingGraph()->previous(cur_ll, false);
254 if (next_lls.empty()) {
255 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "No previous lanelets");
256 break;
257 }
258 const auto& next = next_lls[0];
259 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Getting next lanelet: " <<;
260 cur_ll = next;
261 p_idx = cur_ll.centerline().size() - 1;
262 }
263 if (p_idx != cur_ll.centerline().size() - 1 || dist == 0) {
265 previous_lane.push_back(lanelet::traits::to2D(cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx]));
266 dist += lanelet::geometry::distance2d(prev_point, previous_lane.back());
267 }
268 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "distance " << dist);
269 prev_point = lanelet::traits::to2D(cur_ll.centerline()[p_idx]);
270 p_idx--;
271 }
272 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Adding lane with size: " << previous_lane.size());
273 reverse_lanes->emplace_back(previous_lane);
274 }
275 }

References traffic_incident_parser::getNearestPointIndex(), logger_, and wm_.

Referenced by composeTrafficControlMesssages().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getIncidentOriginPoint()

lanelet::BasicPoint2d traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::getIncidentOriginPoint ( ) const

Function to convert internally saved incident origin point from lat/lon to local map frame.

The internally saved incident origin point within the local map frame.

Definition at line 149 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

150 {
151 lanelet::projection::LocalFrameProjector projector(projection_msg_.c_str());
152 lanelet::GPSPoint gps_point;
153 = latitude;
154 gps_point.lon = longitude;
155 gps_point.ele = 0;
156 auto local_point3d = projector.forward(gps_point);
157 return {local_point3d.x(), local_point3d.y()};
158 }

References latitude, longitude, and projection_msg_.

Referenced by composeTrafficControlMesssages().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mobilityMessageParser()

bool traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::mobilityMessageParser ( std::string  mobility_strategy_params)

Function to help parse incoming mobility operation messages to required format.

mobility_strategy_paramsThe strategy params associated with an incoming mobility operation message.
True if the new message is valid and can be used. False if not new or not valid.

Definition at line 64 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

65 {
67 std::vector<std::string> vec={};
68 std::string delimiter = ",";
69 size_t pos = 0;
70 std::string token;
71 while ((pos = mobility_strategy_params.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos)
72 {
73 token = mobility_strategy_params.substr(0, pos);
74 vec.push_back(token);
75 mobility_strategy_params.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());
76 }
77 vec.push_back(mobility_strategy_params);
79 if (vec.size() != 8)
80 {
81 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(),"Given mobility strategy params are not correctly formatted.");
82 return false;
83 }
85 std::string lat_str=vec[0];
86 std::string lon_str=vec[1];
87 std::string downtrack_str=vec[2];
88 std::string uptrack_str=vec[3];
89 std::string min_gap_str=vec[4];
90 std::string speed_advisory_str=vec[5];
91 std::string event_reason_str=vec[6];
92 std::string event_type_str=vec[7];
94 // Evaluate if this message should be forwarded based on the gps point
95 double temp_lat = stod(stringParserHelper(lat_str,lat_str.find_last_of("lat:")));
96 double temp_lon = stod(stringParserHelper(lon_str,lon_str.find_last_of("lon:")));
98 double constexpr APPROXIMATE_DEG_PER_5M = 0.00005;
99 double delta_lat = temp_lat - latitude;
100 double delta_lon = temp_lon - longitude;
101 double approximate_degree_delta = sqrt(delta_lat*delta_lat + delta_lon*delta_lon);
103 double temp_down_track=stod(stringParserHelper(downtrack_str,downtrack_str.find_last_of("down_track:")));
104 double temp_up_track=stod(stringParserHelper(uptrack_str,uptrack_str.find_last_of("up_track:")));
105 double temp_min_gap=stod(stringParserHelper(min_gap_str,min_gap_str.find_last_of("min_gap:")));
106 double temp_speed_advisory=stod(stringParserHelper(speed_advisory_str,speed_advisory_str.find_last_of("advisory_speed:")));
107 std::string temp_event_reason=stringParserHelper(event_reason_str,event_reason_str.find_last_of("event_reason:"));
108 std::string temp_event_type=stringParserHelper(event_type_str,event_type_str.find_last_of("event_type:"));
110 if ( approximate_degree_delta < APPROXIMATE_DEG_PER_5M // If the vehicle has not moved more than 5m and the parameters remain unchanged
111 && temp_down_track == down_track
112 && temp_up_track == up_track
113 && temp_min_gap == min_gap
114 && temp_speed_advisory == speed_advisory
115 && temp_event_reason == event_reason
116 && temp_event_type == event_type) {
118 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Strategy params are unchanged so ignoring new message: " << mobility_strategy_params
119 << " degree_delta: " << approximate_degree_delta
120 << " prev_lat: " << latitude << " prev_lon: " << longitude);
122 return false;
124 }
126 // Valid message contents so populate member variables
127 latitude = temp_lat;
128 longitude = temp_lon;
129 down_track = temp_down_track;
130 up_track = temp_up_track;
131 min_gap = temp_min_gap;
132 speed_advisory = temp_speed_advisory;
133 event_reason = temp_event_reason;
134 event_type = temp_event_type;
136 return true;
137 }
std::string stringParserHelper(std::string str, unsigned long str_index) const
Function to help convert string to double data type.

References down_track, event_reason, event_type, latitude, logger_, longitude, min_gap, speed_advisory, stringParserHelper(), and up_track.

Referenced by mobilityOperationCallback().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mobilityOperationCallback()

void traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::mobilityOperationCallback ( carma_v2x_msgs::msg::MobilityOperation::UniquePtr  mobility_msg)

Function to receive the incoming mobility operation message from the message node and publish the geofence message upon processing the mobility msg. Only incoming mobility operation messages with strategy "carma3/Incident_Use_Case" are processed.

mobility_msgIncoming mobility operation message

Definition at line 32 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

33 {
35 if(mobility_msg->strategy=="carma3/Incident_Use_Case")
36 {
38 bool valid_msg = mobilityMessageParser(mobility_msg->strategy_params);
40 if(valid_msg && event_type=="CLOSED")
41 {
42 previous_strategy_params=mobility_msg->strategy_params;
43 carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessage traffic_control_msg;
44 traffic_control_msg.choice = carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessage::TCMV01;
45 for(const auto &traffic_msg : composeTrafficControlMesssages())
46 {
47 traffic_control_msg.tcm_v01=traffic_msg;
48 traffic_control_pub_(traffic_control_msg); // Publish the message to existing subscribers
49 }
50 }
51 else
52 {
53 return;
54 }
55 }
56 }
std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::TrafficControlMessageV01 > composeTrafficControlMesssages()
Algorithm for extracting the closed lanelet from internally saved mobility message (or geofence) para...
bool mobilityMessageParser(std::string mobility_strategy_params)
Function to help parse incoming mobility operation messages to required format.

References composeTrafficControlMesssages(), event_type, mobilityMessageParser(), previous_strategy_params, and traffic_control_pub_.

Referenced by traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserNode::handle_on_configure().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stringParserHelper()

std::string traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::stringParserHelper ( std::string  str,
unsigned long  str_index 
) const

Function to help convert string to double data type.

strString object from which to extract the numeric value (a double).
str_idxThe String object's index to start looking at.
A string object containing only the numeric value included in the str object.

Definition at line 139 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.cpp.

140 {
141 std::string str_temp="";
142 for(size_t i=str_index+1;i<str.length();i++)
143 {
144 str_temp+=str[i];
145 }
146 return str_temp;
147 }

References process_bag::i.

Referenced by mobilityMessageParser().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ clock_

rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::clock_

Definition at line 138 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.hpp.

Referenced by composeTrafficControlMesssages().

◆ down_track

double traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::down_track = 0.0

◆ event_reason

std::string traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::event_reason

◆ event_type

std::string traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::event_type

◆ latitude

double traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::latitude = 0.0

◆ local_point_

lanelet::BasicPoint2d traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::local_point_

Definition at line 131 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.hpp.

Referenced by composeTrafficControlMesssages().

◆ logger_

rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::logger_

◆ longitude

double traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::longitude = 0.0

◆ min_gap

double traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::min_gap = 0.0

◆ previous_strategy_params

std::string traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::previous_strategy_params =""

Definition at line 127 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.hpp.

Referenced by mobilityOperationCallback().

◆ projection_msg_

std::string traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::projection_msg_

◆ speed_advisory

double traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::speed_advisory = 0.0

◆ traffic_control_pub_

PublishTrafficControlCallback traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::traffic_control_pub_

Definition at line 133 of file traffic_incident_parser_worker.hpp.

Referenced by mobilityOperationCallback().

◆ up_track

double traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::up_track = 0.0

◆ wm_

carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr traffic_incident_parser::TrafficIncidentParserWorker::wm_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: