Carma-platform v4.2.0
CARMA Platform is built on robot operating system (ROS) and utilizes open source software (OSS) that enables Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) features to allow Automated Driving Systems to interact and cooperate with infrastructure and other vehicles through communication.
route::RouteGeneratorWorker Class Reference

#include <route_generator_worker.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for route::RouteGeneratorWorker:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 RouteGeneratorWorker (tf2_ros::Buffer &tf2_buffer)
 Constructor for RouteGeneratorWorker class taking in dependencies via dependency injection. More...
void setReroutingChecker (const std::function< bool()> inputFunction)
 setReroutingChecker function to set the rerouting flag More...
void setWorldModelPtr (carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr wm)
 Dependency injection for world model pointer. More...
void setLoggerInterface (rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr logger)
 Dependency injection for logger interface. More...
void setClock (rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr clock)
 Dependency injection for clock object. More...
lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > routing (const lanelet::BasicPoint2d start, const std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > &via, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d end, const lanelet::LaneletMapConstPtr map_pointer, const carma_wm::LaneletRoutingGraphConstPtr graph_pointer) const
 Generate Lanelet2 route based on input destinations. More...
bool getAvailableRouteCb (const std::shared_ptr< rmw_request_id_t >, const std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::GetAvailableRoutes::Request >, std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::GetAvailableRoutes::Response > resp)
 Get_available_route service callback. Calls to this service will respond with a list of route names for user to select. More...
bool setActiveRouteCb (const std::shared_ptr< rmw_request_id_t >, const std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Request > req, std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response > resp)
 Set_active_route service callback. User can select a route to start following by calling this service. More...
bool abortActiveRouteCb (const std::shared_ptr< rmw_request_id_t >, const std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Request >, std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Response > resp)
 Abort_active_route service callback. User can call this service to abort a current following route and return to route selection stage. More...
void bumperPoseCb ()
 Callback for the front bumper pose transform. More...
void twistCb (geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::UniquePtr msg)
 Callback for the twist subscriber, which will store latest twist locally. More...
void georeferenceCb (std_msgs::msg::String::UniquePtr msg)
 Callback for the georeference subscriber used to set the map projection. More...
void setRouteFilePath (const std::string &path)
 Set method for configurable parameter. More...
void setDowntrackDestinationRange (double dt_dest_range)
 Set method for configurable parameter. More...
void setPublishers (const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent > &route_event_pub, const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState > &route_state_pub, const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route > &route_pub, const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< visualization_msgs::msg::Marker > &route_marker_pub)
 Method to pass publishers into worker class. More...
bool checkForDuplicateLaneletsInShortestPath (const lanelet::routing::Route &route) const
 Helper function to check whether a route's shortest path contains any duplicate Lanelet IDs. 'true' indicates that the route's shortest path contains duplicate Lanelet IDs. More...
std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint3d > loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame (const std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D > &destinations) const
 Function to take route destination points from a vector of 3D points and convert them from lat/lon values to to coordinates in map frame based on the projection string. More...
std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D > loadRouteDestinationGpsPointsFromRouteId (const std::string &route_id) const
 Function to load route destination points from a route file and store them in a vector of 3D points. More...
carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route composeRouteMsg (const lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > &route) const
 Helper function to generate a CARMA route message based on planned lanelet route. More...
bool spinCallback ()
 Spin callback which will be called frequently based on spin rate. More...
visualization_msgs::msg::Marker composeRouteMarkerMsg (const lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > &route)
 composeRouteMarkerMsg is a function to generate route rviz markers More...
bool crosstrackErrorCheck (const std::shared_ptr< geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped > &msg, lanelet::ConstLanelet current_llt)
 crosstrackErrorCheck is a function that determines when the vehicle has left the route and reports when a crosstrack error has taken place More...
void setCrosstrackErrorCountMax (int cte_max)
 set the crosstrack error counter maximum limit More...
void setCrosstrackErrorDistance (double cte_dist)
 set the maximum crosstrack error distance More...
lanelet::ConstLanelet getClosestLaneletFromRouteLanelets (lanelet::BasicPoint2d position) const
 "Get the closest lanelet on the route relative to the vehicle's current position. If the input list does not contain lanelets on the route, still closest lanelet from the route will be returned More...
void addLanelet (lanelet::ConstLanelet llt)
lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > rerouteAfterRouteInvalidation (const std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > &destination_points_in_map)
 After route is invalidated, this function returns a new route based on the destinations points. More...
void initializeBumperTransformLookup ()
 Initialize transform lookup from front bumper to map. More...

Public Attributes

std::function< bool()> reroutingChecker
 reroutingChecker function to set the rerouting flag locally More...
boost::optional< geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped > vehicle_pose_

Private Member Functions

void publishRouteEvent (uint8_t event_type)

Private Attributes

const double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.0174533
RouteStateWorker rs_worker_
std::string route_file_path_
carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr world_model_
carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route route_msg_
carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent route_event_msg_
carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState route_state_msg_
visualization_msgs::msg::Marker route_marker_msg_
std::vector< lanelet::ConstPoint3d > points_
lanelet::ConstLanelets route_llts
double down_track_target_range_
double current_crosstrack_distance_
double current_downtrack_distance_
lanelet::BasicPoint2d current_loc_
double ll_crosstrack_distance_
double ll_downtrack_distance_
lanelet::Id ll_id_
double speed_limit_ = 0
double current_speed_ = 0
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent > route_event_pub_
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState > route_state_pub_
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route > route_pub_
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< visualization_msgs::msg::Marker > route_marker_pub_
bool new_route_msg_generated_ = false
bool new_route_marker_generated_ = false
std::queue< uint8_t > route_event_queue
double cross_track_dist_
int cte_count_ = 0
int cte_count_max_
std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > destination_points_in_map_
boost::optional< std::string > map_proj_
geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped tf_
tf2::Stamped< tf2::Transform > frontbumper_transform_
tf2_ros::Buffer & tf2_buffer_
std::unique_ptr< tf2_ros::TransformListener > tf2_listener_
rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr logger_
rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr clock_

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr double epsilon_ = 0.001

Detailed Description

Definition at line 57 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RouteGeneratorWorker()

route::RouteGeneratorWorker::RouteGeneratorWorker ( tf2_ros::Buffer &  tf2_buffer)

Constructor for RouteGeneratorWorker class taking in dependencies via dependency injection.

Definition at line 21 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

22 : tf2_buffer_(tf2_buffer) {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ abortActiveRouteCb()

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::abortActiveRouteCb ( const std::shared_ptr< rmw_request_id_t >  ,
const std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Request >  ,
std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Response >  resp 

Abort_active_route service callback. User can call this service to abort a current following route and return to route selection stage.

reqA carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Request msg which contains the route name user wants to stop following
respA carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Response msg contains error status showing if there is an active route

Definition at line 470 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

473 {
474 // only make sense to abort when it is in route following state
475 if(this->rs_worker_.getRouteState() == RouteStateWorker::RouteState::FOLLOWING)
476 {
477 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_ABORTED);
478 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Response::NO_ERROR;
479 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_ABORTED);
480 route_msg_ = carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route{};
481 } else {
482 // service call successed but there is not active route
483 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::AbortActiveRoute::Response::NO_ACTIVE_ROUTE;
484 }
485 return true;
486 }
carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route route_msg_
void publishRouteEvent(uint8_t event_type)
RouteState getRouteState() const
Get current route state machine state.
void onRouteEvent(RouteEvent event)
Process route event based on designed state machine diagram.

References route::RouteStateWorker::getRouteState(), route::RouteStateWorker::onRouteEvent(), publishRouteEvent(), route_msg_, and rs_worker_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addLanelet()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::addLanelet ( lanelet::ConstLanelet  llt)

Definition at line 778 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

779 {
780 route_llts.push_back(llt);
781 }

References route_llts.

◆ bumperPoseCb()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::bumperPoseCb ( )

Callback for the front bumper pose transform.

Definition at line 494 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

495 {
496 try
497 {
498 tf_ = tf2_buffer_.lookupTransform("map", "vehicle_front", rclcpp::Time(0,0), rclcpp::Duration(1.0*1e9)); //save to local copy of transform 0.1 sec timeout
499 tf2::fromMsg(tf_, frontbumper_transform_);
500 }
501 catch (const tf2::TransformException &ex)
502 {
503 RCLCPP_WARN_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), ex.what());
504 }
506 geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped updated_vehicle_pose;
507 updated_vehicle_pose.pose.position.x = frontbumper_transform_.getOrigin().getX();
508 updated_vehicle_pose.pose.position.y = frontbumper_transform_.getOrigin().getY();
509 updated_vehicle_pose.pose.position.z = frontbumper_transform_.getOrigin().getZ();
510 vehicle_pose_ = updated_vehicle_pose;
512 if(this->rs_worker_.getRouteState() == RouteStateWorker::RouteState::FOLLOWING) {
513 // convert from pose stamp into lanelet basic 2D point
514 current_loc_ = lanelet::BasicPoint2d(vehicle_pose_->pose.position.x, vehicle_pose_->pose.position.y);
515 // get dt ct from world model
516 carma_wm::TrackPos track(0.0, 0.0);
517 try {
518 track = this->world_model_->routeTrackPos(current_loc_);
519 } catch (std::invalid_argument ex) {
520 RCLCPP_WARN_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Routing has finished but carma_wm has not receive it!");
521 return;
522 }
524 // Return if world model has not yet been updated with the current active route
525 if ((this->world_model_->getRouteName()).compare(route_msg_.route_name) != 0) {
526 RCLCPP_WARN_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Current active route name is " << route_msg_.route_name << ", WorldModel is using " << this->world_model_->getRouteName());
527 return;
528 }
530 auto current_lanelet = getClosestLaneletFromRouteLanelets(current_loc_);
531 auto lanelet_track = carma_wm::geometry::trackPos(current_lanelet, current_loc_);
532 ll_id_ =;
533 ll_crosstrack_distance_ = lanelet_track.crosstrack;
534 ll_downtrack_distance_ = lanelet_track.downtrack;
535 current_crosstrack_distance_ = track.crosstrack;
536 current_downtrack_distance_ = track.downtrack;
537 // Determine speed limit
538 lanelet::Optional<carma_wm::TrafficRulesConstPtr> traffic_rules = world_model_->getTrafficRules();
540 if (traffic_rules)
541 {
542 auto laneletIterator = world_model_->getMap()->laneletLayer.find(ll_id_);
543 if (laneletIterator != world_model_->getMap()->laneletLayer.end()) {
544 speed_limit_ = (*traffic_rules)->speedLimit(*laneletIterator).speedLimit.value();
545 }
546 else
547 {
548 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Failed to set the current speed limit. The lanelet_id: "
549 << ll_id_ << " could not be matched with a lanelet in the map. The previous speed limit of "
550 << speed_limit_ << " will be used.");
551 }
553 }
554 else
555 {
556 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Failed to set the current speed limit. Valid traffic rules object could not be built.");
557 }
558 std::shared_ptr<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> pose_ptr(new geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped(*vehicle_pose_));
560 // check if we left the seleted route by cross track error
561 if (crosstrackErrorCheck(pose_ptr, current_lanelet))
562 {
563 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_DEPARTED);
564 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_DEPARTED);
565 }
567 // check if we reached our destination be remaining down track distance
568 double route_length_2d = world_model_->getRouteEndTrackPos().downtrack;
570 {
571 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_COMPLETED);
572 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_COMPLETED);
573 }
574 }
575 }
Position in a track based coordinate system where the axis are downtrack and crosstrack....
Definition: TrackPos.hpp:35
tf2::Stamped< tf2::Transform > frontbumper_transform_
lanelet::ConstLanelet getClosestLaneletFromRouteLanelets(lanelet::BasicPoint2d position) const
"Get the closest lanelet on the route relative to the vehicle's current position. If the input list d...
rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr logger_
geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped tf_
carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr world_model_
bool crosstrackErrorCheck(const std::shared_ptr< geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped > &msg, lanelet::ConstLanelet current_llt)
crosstrackErrorCheck is a function that determines when the vehicle has left the route and reports wh...
boost::optional< geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped > vehicle_pose_
TrackPos trackPos(const lanelet::ConstLanelet &lanelet, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d &point)
Returns the TrackPos, computed in 2d, of the provided point relative to the centerline of the provide...
Definition: Geometry.cpp:120

References carma_wm::TrackPos::crosstrack, crosstrackErrorCheck(), current_crosstrack_distance_, current_downtrack_distance_, current_loc_, current_speed_, down_track_target_range_, carma_wm::TrackPos::downtrack, epsilon_, frontbumper_transform_, getClosestLaneletFromRouteLanelets(), route::RouteStateWorker::getRouteState(), ll_crosstrack_distance_, ll_downtrack_distance_, ll_id_, logger_, route::RouteStateWorker::onRouteEvent(), publishRouteEvent(), route_msg_, rs_worker_, speed_limit_, tf2_buffer_, tf_, carma_wm::geometry::trackPos(), vehicle_pose_, and world_model_.

Referenced by spinCallback().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkForDuplicateLaneletsInShortestPath()

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::checkForDuplicateLaneletsInShortestPath ( const lanelet::routing::Route &  route) const

Helper function to check whether a route's shortest path contains any duplicate Lanelet IDs. 'true' indicates that the route's shortest path contains duplicate Lanelet IDs.

routeRoute object from lanelet2 lib routing function

Definition at line 296 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

297 {
298 // Create a vector for the lanelet IDs in the shortest path
299 std::vector<lanelet::Id> shortest_path_lanelet_ids;
301 // Iterate through the shortest path to populate shortest_path_lanelet_ids with lanelet IDs
302 for(const auto& ll : route.shortestPath())
303 {
304 shortest_path_lanelet_ids.push_back(;
305 }
307 // Verify that there are no duplicate lanelet IDs in the shortest path
308 std::sort(shortest_path_lanelet_ids.begin(), shortest_path_lanelet_ids.end());
310 if (std::adjacent_find(shortest_path_lanelet_ids.begin(), shortest_path_lanelet_ids.end()) != shortest_path_lanelet_ids.end())
311 {
312 // Route's shortest path contains duplicate lanelet IDs
313 return true;
314 }
316 // Route's shortest path does not duplicate lanelet IDs
317 return false;
318 }

Referenced by setActiveRouteCb(), and spinCallback().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ composeRouteMarkerMsg()

visualization_msgs::msg::Marker route::RouteGeneratorWorker::composeRouteMarkerMsg ( const lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > &  route)

composeRouteMarkerMsg is a function to generate route rviz markers

routeRoute object from lanelet2 lib routing function

Definition at line 384 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

385 {
386 std::vector<lanelet::ConstPoint3d> points;
387 auto end_point_3d = route.get().getEndPoint();
388 auto last_ll = route.get().shortestPath().back();
389 double end_point_downtrack = carma_wm::geometry::trackPos(last_ll, {end_point_3d.x(), end_point_3d.y()}).downtrack;
390 double lanelet_downtrack = carma_wm::geometry::trackPos(last_ll, last_ll.centerline().back().basicPoint2d()).downtrack;
391 // get number of points to display using ratio of the downtracks
392 auto points_until_end_point = int (last_ll.centerline().size() * (end_point_downtrack / lanelet_downtrack));
394 for(const auto& ll : route.get().shortestPath())
395 {
396 if ( ==
397 {
398 for (int i = 0; i < points_until_end_point; i++)
399 {
400 points.push_back(ll.centerline()[i]);
401 }
402 continue;
403 }
404 for(const auto& pt : ll.centerline())
405 {
406 points.push_back(pt);
407 }
408 }
410 route_marker_msg_.points={};
412 // create the marker msgs
413 visualization_msgs::msg::Marker marker;
414 marker.header.frame_id = "map";
415 marker.header.stamp = rclcpp::Time();
416 marker.type = visualization_msgs::msg::Marker::SPHERE_LIST;//
417 marker.action = visualization_msgs::msg::Marker::ADD;
418 marker.ns = "route_visualizer";
420 marker.scale.x = 0.65;
421 marker.scale.y = 0.65;
422 marker.scale.z = 0.65;
423 marker.frame_locked = true;
425 = 0;
426 marker.color.r = 1.0F;
427 marker.color.g = 1.0F;
428 marker.color.b = 1.0F;
429 marker.color.a = 1.0F;
431 if (points.empty())
432 {
433 RCLCPP_WARN_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "No central line points! Returning");
434 return route_marker_msg_;
435 }
437 for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i=i+5)
438 {
439 geometry_msgs::msg::Point temp_point;
440 temp_point.x = points[i].x();
441 temp_point.y = points[i].y();
442 temp_point.z = 1; //to show up on top of the lanelet lines
444 marker.points.push_back(temp_point);
445 }
447 return marker;
448 }
visualization_msgs::msg::Marker route_marker_msg_

References carma_wm::TrackPos::downtrack, process_bag::i, logger_, new_route_marker_generated_, route_marker_msg_, and carma_wm::geometry::trackPos().

Referenced by setActiveRouteCb(), and spinCallback().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ composeRouteMsg()

carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route route::RouteGeneratorWorker::composeRouteMsg ( const lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > &  route) const

Helper function to generate a CARMA route message based on planned lanelet route.

routeRoute object from lanelet2 lib routing function

Definition at line 450 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

451 {
452 carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route msg;
453 // iterate through the shortest path to populate shortest_path_lanelet_ids
454 for(const auto& ll : route.get().shortestPath())
455 {
456 msg.shortest_path_lanelet_ids.push_back(;
457 }
458 // iterate through all lanelet in the route to populate route_path_lanelet_ids
459 for(const auto& ll : route.get().laneletSubmap()->laneletLayer)
460 {
461 msg.route_path_lanelet_ids.push_back(;
462 }
463 msg.end_point.x = route->getEndPoint().x();
464 msg.end_point.y = route->getEndPoint().y();
465 msg.end_point.z = route->getEndPoint().z();
467 return msg;
468 }

Referenced by setActiveRouteCb(), and spinCallback().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crosstrackErrorCheck()

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::crosstrackErrorCheck ( const std::shared_ptr< geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped > &  msg,
lanelet::ConstLanelet  current_llt 

crosstrackErrorCheck is a function that determines when the vehicle has left the route and reports when a crosstrack error has taken place

msgMsg that contains the vehicle's current position
current_lltThe lanelet that the vehicle is currently in

Definition at line 712 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

713 {
714 lanelet::BasicPoint2d position;
716 position.x()= msg->pose.position.x;
717 position.y()= msg->pose.position.y;
719 if(boost::geometry::within(position, current.polygon2d())) //If vehicle is inside current_lanelet, there is no crosstrack error
720 {
721 cte_count_ = 0;
722 return false;
723 }
725 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "LLt Polygon Dimensions1: " << current.polygon2d().front().x()<< ", "<< current.polygon2d().front().y());
726 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "LLt Polygon Dimensions2: " << current.polygon2d().back().x()<< ", "<< current.polygon2d().back().y());
727 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Distance1: " << boost::geometry::distance(position, current.polygon2d()) << " Max allowed Crosstrack: " << cross_track_dist_ );
729 if (boost::geometry::distance(position, current.polygon2d()) > cross_track_dist_) //Evaluate lanelet crosstrack distance from vehicle
730 {
731 cte_count_++;
733 if(cte_count_ > cte_count_max_) //If the distance exceeds the crosstrack distance a certain number of times, report that the route has been departed
734 {
735 cte_count_ = 0;
736 return true;
737 }
738 else
739 return false;
740 }
741 else
742 {
743 cte_count_ = 0;
744 return false;
745 }
747 }

References cross_track_dist_, cte_count_, cte_count_max_, and logger_.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ georeferenceCb()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::georeferenceCb ( std_msgs::msg::String::UniquePtr  msg)

Callback for the georeference subscriber used to set the map projection.

msgThe latest georeference

Definition at line 582 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

583 {
584 map_proj_ = msg->data;
585 }
boost::optional< std::string > map_proj_

References map_proj_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAvailableRouteCb()

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::getAvailableRouteCb ( const std::shared_ptr< rmw_request_id_t >  ,
const std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::GetAvailableRoutes::Request >  ,
std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::GetAvailableRoutes::Response >  resp 

Get_available_route service callback. Calls to this service will respond with a list of route names for user to select.

reqAn empty carma_planning_msgs::srv::GetAvailableRoutes::Request
respA carma_planning_msgs::srv::GetAvailableRoutes::Response msg contains a list of empty Route messages with only route name populated

Definition at line 76 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

79 {
80 // Return if the the directory specified by route_file_path_ does not exist
81 if(!boost::filesystem::exists(boost::filesystem::path(this->route_file_path_)))
82 {
83 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "No directory exists at " << route_file_path_);
84 return true;
85 }
87 // Read all route files in the given directory
88 boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_point;
89 for(boost::filesystem::directory_iterator itr(boost::filesystem::path(this->route_file_path_)); itr != end_point; ++itr)
90 {
91 // Skip if the iterator has landed on a folder
92 if(boost::filesystem::is_directory(itr->status()))
93 {
94 continue;
95 }
97 auto full_file_name = itr->path().filename().generic_string();
98 carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route route_msg;
100 // Skip if '.csv' is not found in the file name
101 if(full_file_name.find(".csv") == std::string::npos)
102 {
103 continue;
104 }
106 // Assume route files ending with ".csv", before that is the actual route name
107 route_msg.route_id = full_file_name.substr(0, full_file_name.find(".csv"));
108 std::ifstream fin(itr->path().generic_string());
109 std::string dest_name;
110 if(fin.is_open())
111 {
112 while (!fin.eof())
113 {
114 std::string temp;
115 std::getline(fin, temp);
116 if(temp != "") dest_name = temp;
117 }
118 fin.close();
119 }
120 else
121 {
122 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "File open failed...");
123 }
124 auto last_comma = dest_name.find_last_of(',');
125 if(!std::isdigit(dest_name.substr(last_comma + 1).at(0)))
126 {
127 route_msg.route_name = dest_name.substr(last_comma + 1);
128 resp->available_routes.push_back(move(route_msg));
129 }
130 }
132 //after route path object is available to select, worker will able to transit state and provide route selection service
133 if(this->rs_worker_.getRouteState() == RouteStateWorker::RouteState::LOADING)
134 {
135 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_LOADED);
136 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_LOADED);
137 }
139 return true;
140 }

References route::RouteStateWorker::getRouteState(), logger_, route::RouteStateWorker::onRouteEvent(), publishRouteEvent(), route_file_path_, and rs_worker_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getClosestLaneletFromRouteLanelets()

lanelet::ConstLanelet route::RouteGeneratorWorker::getClosestLaneletFromRouteLanelets ( lanelet::BasicPoint2d  position) const

"Get the closest lanelet on the route relative to the vehicle's current position. If the input list does not contain lanelets on the route, still closest lanelet from the route will be returned

positionthe current position of the vehicle

Definition at line 751 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

752 {
753 double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
754 lanelet::ConstLanelet min_llt;
755 for (const auto& i: route_llts)
756 {
757 double dist = boost::geometry::distance(position, i.polygon2d());
758 if (dist < min)
759 {
760 min = dist;
761 min_llt = i;
762 }
763 }
764 return min_llt;
765 }

References process_bag::i, and route_llts.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initializeBumperTransformLookup()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::initializeBumperTransformLookup ( )

Initialize transform lookup from front bumper to map.

Definition at line 488 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

489 {
490 tf2_listener_.reset(new tf2_ros::TransformListener(tf2_buffer_));
491 tf2_buffer_.setUsingDedicatedThread(true);
492 }
std::unique_ptr< tf2_ros::TransformListener > tf2_listener_

References tf2_buffer_, and tf2_listener_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadRouteDestinationGpsPointsFromRouteId()

std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D > route::RouteGeneratorWorker::loadRouteDestinationGpsPointsFromRouteId ( const std::string &  route_id) const

Function to load route destination points from a route file and store them in a vector of 3D points.

route_idThis function will read the route file with provided route_id

Definition at line 351 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

352 {
353 // compose full path of the route file
354 std::string route_file_name = route_file_path_ + route_id + ".csv";
355 std::ifstream fs(route_file_name);
356 std::string line;
358 // read each line in route file (if any)
359 std::vector<carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D> destination_points;
360 while(std::getline(fs, line))
361 {
362 carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D gps_point;
364 // lat lon and elev is seperated by comma
365 auto comma = line.find(",");
366 // convert lon value in degrees from string
367 gps_point.longitude = std::stof(line.substr(0, comma));
368 line.erase(0, comma + 1);
369 comma = line.find(",");
370 // convert lat value in degrees from string
371 gps_point.latitude = std::stof(line.substr(0, comma));
372 // elevation is in meters
373 line.erase(0, comma + 1);
374 comma = line.find(",");
375 gps_point.elevation = std::stof(line.substr(0, comma));
376 gps_point.elevation_exists = true;
378 destination_points.push_back(gps_point);
379 }
381 return destination_points;
382 }

References route_file_path_.

Referenced by setActiveRouteCb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame()

std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint3d > route::RouteGeneratorWorker::loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame ( const std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D > &  destinations) const

Function to take route destination points from a vector of 3D points and convert them from lat/lon values to to coordinates in map frame based on the projection string.

destinationsA vector of carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D points containing destination points provided as lat/long values

Definition at line 320 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

321 {
322 if (!map_proj_) {
323 throw std::invalid_argument("loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame (using destination points array) before map projection was set");
324 }
326 lanelet::projection::LocalFrameProjector projector(map_proj_.get().c_str()); // Build map projector
328 // Process each point in 'destinations'
329 std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint3d> destination_points;
330 for (const auto& destination : destinations)
331 {
332 lanelet::GPSPoint coordinate;
333 coordinate.lon = destination.longitude;
334 = destination.latitude;
336 if(destination.elevation_exists)
337 {
338 coordinate.ele = destination.elevation;
339 }
340 else
341 {
342 coordinate.ele = 0.0;
343 }
345 destination_points.emplace_back(projector.forward(coordinate));
346 }
348 return destination_points;
349 }

References map_proj_.

Referenced by setActiveRouteCb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ publishRouteEvent()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::publishRouteEvent ( uint8_t  event_type)

Definition at line 603 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

604 {
605 route_event_queue.push(event_type);
606 }
std::queue< uint8_t > route_event_queue

References route_event_queue.

Referenced by abortActiveRouteCb(), bumperPoseCb(), getAvailableRouteCb(), setActiveRouteCb(), setRouteFilePath(), and spinCallback().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rerouteAfterRouteInvalidation()

lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > route::RouteGeneratorWorker::rerouteAfterRouteInvalidation ( const std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > &  destination_points_in_map)

After route is invalidated, this function returns a new route based on the destinations points.

destination_points_in_mapvector of destination points
Destination points will be removed if the current pose is past those points.

Definition at line 608 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

609 {
610 std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d> destination_points_in_map_temp;
612 for(const auto &i:destination_points_in_map) // Identify all route points that we have not yet passed
613 {
614 double destination_down_track=world_model_->routeTrackPos(i).downtrack;
616 if( current_downtrack_distance_< destination_down_track)
617 {
618 destination_points_in_map_temp.push_back(i);
619 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "current_downtrack_distance_:" << current_downtrack_distance_);
620 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "destination_down_track:" << destination_down_track);
621 }
622 }
624 destination_points_in_map_ = destination_points_in_map_temp; // Update our route point list
626 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "New destination_points_in_map.size:" << destination_points_in_map_.size());
628 auto route=routing(current_loc_, // Route from current location through future destinations
629 std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d>(destination_points_in_map_.begin(), destination_points_in_map_.end() - 1),
631 world_model_->getMap(), world_model_->getMapRoutingGraph());
633 return route;
634 }
std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > destination_points_in_map_
lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > routing(const lanelet::BasicPoint2d start, const std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > &via, const lanelet::BasicPoint2d end, const lanelet::LaneletMapConstPtr map_pointer, const carma_wm::LaneletRoutingGraphConstPtr graph_pointer) const
Generate Lanelet2 route based on input destinations.

References current_downtrack_distance_, current_loc_, destination_points_in_map_, process_bag::i, logger_, routing(), and world_model_.

Referenced by spinCallback().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ routing()

lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > route::RouteGeneratorWorker::routing ( const lanelet::BasicPoint2d  start,
const std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > &  via,
const lanelet::BasicPoint2d  end,
const lanelet::LaneletMapConstPtr  map_pointer,
const carma_wm::LaneletRoutingGraphConstPtr  graph_pointer 
) const

Generate Lanelet2 route based on input destinations.

startLanelet 2D point in map frame indicates the starting point of selected route
viaA vector of lanelet 2D points in map frame which contains points we want to visit along the route
endLanelet 2D point in map frame indicates the final destination of selected route
map_pointerA constant pointer to lanelet vector map
graph_pointerA constant pointer to lanelet vector map routing graph

Definition at line 40 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

45 {
46 // find start lanelet
47 auto start_lanelet_vector = lanelet::geometry::findNearest(map_pointer->laneletLayer, start, 1);
48 // check if there are any lanelets in the map
49 if(start_lanelet_vector.empty())
50 {
51 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Found no lanelets in the map. Routing cannot be done.");
52 return lanelet::Optional<lanelet::routing::Route>();
53 }
54 // extract starting lanelet
55 auto start_lanelet = lanelet::ConstLanelet(start_lanelet_vector[0].second.constData());
56 // find end lanelet
57 auto end_lanelet_vector = lanelet::geometry::findNearest(map_pointer->laneletLayer, end, 1);
58 // extract end lanelet
59 auto end_lanelet = lanelet::ConstLanelet(end_lanelet_vector[0].second.constData());
60 // find all via lanelets
61 lanelet::ConstLanelets via_lanelets_vector;
62 for(lanelet::BasicPoint2d point : via)
63 {
64 auto via_lanelet_vector = lanelet::geometry::findNearest(map_pointer->laneletLayer, point, 1);
65 via_lanelets_vector.emplace_back(lanelet::ConstLanelet(via_lanelet_vector[0].second.constData()));
66 }
67 // routing
68 return graph_pointer->getRouteVia(start_lanelet, via_lanelets_vector, end_lanelet);
69 }

References logger_, and process_traj_logs::point.

Referenced by rerouteAfterRouteInvalidation(), and setActiveRouteCb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setActiveRouteCb()

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setActiveRouteCb ( const std::shared_ptr< rmw_request_id_t >  ,
const std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Request >  req,
std::shared_ptr< carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response >  resp 

Set_active_route service callback. User can select a route to start following by calling this service.

reqA carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Request msg which contains either a route name a user wants to select or an array of carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D destination points to generate a route from.
respA carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response msg contains error status indicating whether the routing succeeded

Definition at line 150 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

153 {
154 // only allow a new route to be activated in route selection state
155 if(this->rs_worker_.getRouteState() != RouteStateWorker::RouteState::SELECTION)
156 {
157 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "System is already following a route.");
158 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ALREADY_FOLLOWING_ROUTE;
160 return true;
161 }
163 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Valid state proceeding with selection");
165 // entering to routing state once destinations are picked
166 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_SELECTED);
167 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_SELECTED);
169 if (!vehicle_pose_) {
170 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "No vehicle position. Routing cannot be completed.");
171 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ROUTING_FAILURE;
172 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
173 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
174 return true;
175 }
177 // Check if the map projection is available
178 if (!map_proj_) {
179 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Could not generate route as there was no map projection available");
180 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ROUTING_FAILURE;
181 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
182 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
183 return true;
184 }
186 // load destination points in map frame
187 std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint3d> destination_points;
188 if(req->choice == carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Request::ROUTE_ID)
189 {
190 RCLCPP_INFO_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "set_active_route_cb: Selected Route ID: " << req->route_id);
191 std::vector<carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D> gps_destination_points = loadRouteDestinationGpsPointsFromRouteId(req->route_id);
192 destination_points = loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame(gps_destination_points);
193 }
194 else if(req->choice == carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Request::DESTINATION_POINTS_ARRAY)
195 {
196 RCLCPP_INFO_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "set_active_route_cb: Destination Points array of size " << req->destination_points.size());
197 destination_points = loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame(req->destination_points);
198 }
200 // Check that the requested route is valid with at least one destination point
201 if(destination_points.size() < 1)
202 {
203 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Provided route contains no destination points. Routing cannot be completed.");
204 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ROUTE_FILE_ERROR;
205 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
206 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
207 return true;
208 }
210 if (!world_model_ || !world_model_->getMap()) {
211 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "World model has not been initialized.");
212 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ROUTING_FAILURE;
213 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
214 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
215 return true;
216 }
218 // convert points in 2d to map frame
219 destination_points_in_map_ = lanelet::utils::transform(destination_points, [](auto a) { return lanelet::traits::to2D(a); });
221 // Add vehicle as first destination point
222 auto destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle = destination_points_in_map_;
224 lanelet::BasicPoint2d vehicle_position(vehicle_pose_->pose.position.x, vehicle_pose_->pose.position.y);
225 destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.insert(destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.begin(), vehicle_position);
227 int idx = 0;
228 // validate if the points are geometrically in the map
229 for (auto pt : destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle)
230 {
231 if ((world_model_->getLaneletsFromPoint(pt, 1)).empty())
232 {
233 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Route Generator: " << idx
234 << "th destination point is not in the map, x: " << pt.x() << " y: " << pt.y());
235 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ROUTE_FILE_ERROR;
236 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
237 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
238 return true;
239 }
240 idx ++;
241 }
243 // get route graph from world model object
244 auto p = world_model_->getMapRoutingGraph();
245 // generate a route
246 auto route = routing(destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.front(),
247 std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d>(destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.begin() + 1, destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.end() - 1),
248 destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.back(),
249 world_model_->getMap(), world_model_->getMapRoutingGraph());
250 // check if route succeeded
251 if(!route)
252 {
253 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Cannot find a route passing all destinations.");
254 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ROUTING_FAILURE;
255 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
256 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
257 return true;
258 }
261 {
262 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "At least one duplicate Lanelet ID occurs in the shortest path. Routing cannot be completed.");
263 resp->error_status = carma_planning_msgs::srv::SetActiveRoute::Response::ROUTING_FAILURE;
264 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
265 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
266 return true;
267 }
269 // Specify the end point of the route that is inside the last lanelet
270 lanelet::Point3d end_point{lanelet::utils::getId(), destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.back().x(), destination_points_in_map_with_vehicle.back().y(), 0};
272 route->setEndPoint(end_point);
274 // update route message
277 for(auto id : route_msg_.route_path_lanelet_ids)
278 {
279 auto ll = world_model_->getMap()->laneletLayer.get(id);
280 route_llts.push_back(ll);
281 }
283 route_msg_.route_name = req->route_id;
285 route_msg_.header.stamp = clock_->now();
286 route_msg_.header.frame_id = "map";
287 route_msg_.map_version = world_model_->getMapVersion();
288 // since routing is done correctly, transit to route following state
289 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_STARTED);
290 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_STARTED);
291 // set publish flag such that updated msg will be published in the next spin
293 return true;
294 }
visualization_msgs::msg::Marker composeRouteMarkerMsg(const lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > &route)
composeRouteMarkerMsg is a function to generate route rviz markers
std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint3d > loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame(const std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D > &destinations) const
Function to take route destination points from a vector of 3D points and convert them from lat/lon va...
std::vector< carma_v2x_msgs::msg::Position3D > loadRouteDestinationGpsPointsFromRouteId(const std::string &route_id) const
Function to load route destination points from a route file and store them in a vector of 3D points.
carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route composeRouteMsg(const lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > &route) const
Helper function to generate a CARMA route message based on planned lanelet route.
bool checkForDuplicateLaneletsInShortestPath(const lanelet::routing::Route &route) const
Helper function to check whether a route's shortest path contains any duplicate Lanelet IDs....

References checkForDuplicateLaneletsInShortestPath(), clock_, composeRouteMarkerMsg(), composeRouteMsg(), destination_points_in_map_, route::RouteStateWorker::getRouteState(), loadRouteDestinationGpsPointsFromRouteId(), loadRouteDestinationsInMapFrame(), logger_, map_proj_, new_route_msg_generated_, route::RouteStateWorker::onRouteEvent(), publishRouteEvent(), route_llts, route_marker_msg_, route_msg_, routing(), rs_worker_, vehicle_pose_, and world_model_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setClock()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setClock ( rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr  clock)

Dependency injection for clock object.

clockClock object that will be used by worker class

Definition at line 35 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

36 {
37 this->clock_ = clock;
38 }

References clock_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCrosstrackErrorCountMax()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setCrosstrackErrorCountMax ( int  cte_max)

set the crosstrack error counter maximum limit

cte_maxthe maximum amount of acceptable crosstrack error instances

Definition at line 772 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

773 {
774 cte_count_max_ = cte_max;
776 }

References cte_count_max_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCrosstrackErrorDistance()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setCrosstrackErrorDistance ( double  cte_dist)

set the maximum crosstrack error distance

cte_distmaximum distance value (specified in the this package's parameters.yaml configuration file)

Definition at line 767 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

768 {
769 cross_track_dist_ = cte_dist;
770 }

References cross_track_dist_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDowntrackDestinationRange()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setDowntrackDestinationRange ( double  dt_dest_range)

Set method for configurable parameter.

dt_dest_rangeMinimum down track error which can trigger route complete event

Definition at line 598 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

599 {
600 this->down_track_target_range_ = dt_dest_range;
601 }

References down_track_target_range_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setLoggerInterface()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setLoggerInterface ( rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr  logger)

Dependency injection for logger interface.

loggerLogger interface that will be used by worker class

Definition at line 29 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

30 {
31 this->logger_ = logger;
32 this->rs_worker_.setLoggerInterface(logger);
33 }
void setLoggerInterface(rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr logger)

References logger_, rs_worker_, and route::RouteStateWorker::setLoggerInterface().

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPublishers()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setPublishers ( const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent > &  route_event_pub,
const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState > &  route_state_pub,
const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route > &  route_pub,
const carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< visualization_msgs::msg::Marker > &  route_marker_pub 

Method to pass publishers into worker class.

route_event_pubRoute event publisher
route_state_pubRoute state publisher
route_pubRoute publisher
route_marker_pubRoute marker publisher

Definition at line 587 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

591 {
592 route_event_pub_ = route_event_pub;
593 route_state_pub_ = route_state_pub;
594 route_pub_ = route_pub;
595 route_marker_pub_= route_marker_pub;
596 }
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route > route_pub_
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent > route_event_pub_
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState > route_state_pub_
carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr< visualization_msgs::msg::Marker > route_marker_pub_

References route_event_pub_, route_marker_pub_, route_pub_, and route_state_pub_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setReroutingChecker()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setReroutingChecker ( const std::function< bool()>  inputFunction)

setReroutingChecker function to set the rerouting flag

Definition at line 71 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

72 {
73 reroutingChecker=inputFunction;
74 }
std::function< bool()> reroutingChecker
reroutingChecker function to set the rerouting flag locally

References reroutingChecker.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRouteFilePath()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setRouteFilePath ( const std::string &  path)

Set method for configurable parameter.

pathThe location of route files

Definition at line 142 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

143 {
144 this->route_file_path_ = path;
145 // after route path is set, worker will able to transit state and provide route selection service
146 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_LOADED);
147 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_LOADED);
148 }

References route::RouteStateWorker::onRouteEvent(), publishRouteEvent(), route_file_path_, and rs_worker_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_activate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setWorldModelPtr()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::setWorldModelPtr ( carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr  wm)

Dependency injection for world model pointer.

wmCARMA world model object providing lanelet vector map and traffic regulations

Definition at line 24 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

25 {
26 this->world_model_ = wm;
27 }

References world_model_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ spinCallback()

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::spinCallback ( )

Spin callback which will be called frequently based on spin rate.

Definition at line 636 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

637 {
638 // Update vehicle position
639 bumperPoseCb();
641 if(reroutingChecker()==true)
642 {
643 RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Rerouting required");
644 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_INVALIDATION);
645 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_INVALIDATION);
648 // check if route successed
649 if(!route)
650 {
651 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Cannot find a route passing all destinations.");
652 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
653 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
654 return true;
655 }
657 {
658 RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "At least one duplicate Lanelet ID occurs in the shortest path. Routing cannot be completed.");
659 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
660 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_GEN_FAILED);
661 return true;
662 }
663 else
664 {
665 this->rs_worker_.onRouteEvent(RouteStateWorker::RouteEvent::ROUTE_STARTED);
666 publishRouteEvent(carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent::ROUTE_STARTED);
667 }
668 std::string original_route_name = route_msg_.route_name;
670 route_msg_.route_name = original_route_name;
671 route_msg_.is_rerouted = true;
672 route_msg_.map_version = world_model_->getMapVersion();
676 }
678 // publish new route and set new route flag back to false
680 {
681 route_pub_->publish(route_msg_);
685 route_msg_.is_rerouted = false;
686 }
687 // publish route state messsage if a route is selected
688 if(route_msg_.route_name != "")
689 {
690 carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState state_msg;
691 state_msg.header.stamp = clock_->now();
692 state_msg.route_id = route_msg_.route_name;
693 state_msg.cross_track = current_crosstrack_distance_;
694 state_msg.down_track = current_downtrack_distance_;
695 state_msg.lanelet_downtrack = ll_downtrack_distance_;
696 state_msg.state = this->rs_worker_.getRouteState();
697 state_msg.lanelet_id = ll_id_;
698 state_msg.speed_limit = speed_limit_;
699 route_state_pub_->publish(state_msg);
700 }
701 // publish route event in order if any
702 while(!route_event_queue.empty())
703 {
704 route_event_msg_.event = route_event_queue.front();
705 RCLCPP_INFO_STREAM(logger_->get_logger(), "Publishing a route event!");
707 route_event_queue.pop();
708 }
709 return true;
710 }
void bumperPoseCb()
Callback for the front bumper pose transform.
lanelet::Optional< lanelet::routing::Route > rerouteAfterRouteInvalidation(const std::vector< lanelet::BasicPoint2d > &destination_points_in_map)
After route is invalidated, this function returns a new route based on the destinations points.
carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent route_event_msg_

References bumperPoseCb(), checkForDuplicateLaneletsInShortestPath(), clock_, composeRouteMarkerMsg(), composeRouteMsg(), current_crosstrack_distance_, current_downtrack_distance_, destination_points_in_map_, route::RouteStateWorker::getRouteState(), ll_downtrack_distance_, ll_id_, logger_, new_route_marker_generated_, new_route_msg_generated_, route::RouteStateWorker::onRouteEvent(), publishRouteEvent(), rerouteAfterRouteInvalidation(), reroutingChecker, route_event_msg_, route_event_pub_, route_event_queue, route_marker_msg_, route_marker_pub_, route_msg_, route_pub_, route_state_pub_, rs_worker_, speed_limit_, and world_model_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_activate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ twistCb()

void route::RouteGeneratorWorker::twistCb ( geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::UniquePtr  msg)

Callback for the twist subscriber, which will store latest twist locally.

msgLatest twist message

Definition at line 577 of file route_generator_worker.cpp.

578 {
579 current_speed_ = msg->twist.linear.x;
580 }

References current_speed_.

Referenced by route::Route::handle_on_configure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ clock_

rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr route::RouteGeneratorWorker::clock_

Definition at line 353 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by setActiveRouteCb(), setClock(), and spinCallback().

◆ cross_track_dist_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::cross_track_dist_

Definition at line 330 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by crosstrackErrorCheck(), and setCrosstrackErrorDistance().

◆ cte_count_

int route::RouteGeneratorWorker::cte_count_ = 0

Definition at line 333 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by crosstrackErrorCheck().

◆ cte_count_max_

int route::RouteGeneratorWorker::cte_count_max_

Definition at line 335 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by crosstrackErrorCheck(), and setCrosstrackErrorCountMax().

◆ current_crosstrack_distance_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::current_crosstrack_distance_

Definition at line 290 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and spinCallback().

◆ current_downtrack_distance_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::current_downtrack_distance_

◆ current_loc_

lanelet::BasicPoint2d route::RouteGeneratorWorker::current_loc_

Definition at line 296 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and rerouteAfterRouteInvalidation().

◆ current_speed_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::current_speed_ = 0

Definition at line 309 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and twistCb().


const double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::DEG_TO_RAD = 0.0174533

Definition at line 264 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

◆ destination_points_in_map_

std::vector<lanelet::BasicPoint2d> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::destination_points_in_map_

◆ down_track_target_range_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::down_track_target_range_

Definition at line 287 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and setDowntrackDestinationRange().

◆ epsilon_

constexpr double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::epsilon_ = 0.001

Definition at line 311 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb().

◆ frontbumper_transform_

tf2::Stamped<tf2::Transform> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::frontbumper_transform_

Definition at line 344 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb().

◆ ll_crosstrack_distance_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::ll_crosstrack_distance_

Definition at line 299 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb().

◆ ll_downtrack_distance_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::ll_downtrack_distance_

Definition at line 302 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and spinCallback().

◆ ll_id_

lanelet::Id route::RouteGeneratorWorker::ll_id_

Definition at line 304 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and spinCallback().

◆ logger_

rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr route::RouteGeneratorWorker::logger_

◆ map_proj_

boost::optional<std::string> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::map_proj_

◆ new_route_marker_generated_

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::new_route_marker_generated_ = false

Definition at line 321 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by composeRouteMarkerMsg(), and spinCallback().

◆ new_route_msg_generated_

bool route::RouteGeneratorWorker::new_route_msg_generated_ = false

Definition at line 320 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by setActiveRouteCb(), and spinCallback().

◆ points_

std::vector<lanelet::ConstPoint3d> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::points_

Definition at line 281 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

◆ reroutingChecker

std::function<bool()> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::reroutingChecker

reroutingChecker function to set the rerouting flag locally

Definition at line 69 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by setReroutingChecker(), and spinCallback().

◆ route_event_msg_

carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_event_msg_

Definition at line 277 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by spinCallback().

◆ route_event_pub_

carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr<carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteEvent> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_event_pub_

Definition at line 314 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by setPublishers(), and spinCallback().

◆ route_event_queue

std::queue<uint8_t> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_event_queue

Definition at line 324 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by publishRouteEvent(), and spinCallback().

◆ route_file_path_

std::string route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_file_path_

◆ route_llts

lanelet::ConstLanelets route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_llts

◆ route_marker_msg_

visualization_msgs::msg::Marker route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_marker_msg_

◆ route_marker_pub_

carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr<visualization_msgs::msg::Marker> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_marker_pub_

Definition at line 317 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by setPublishers(), and spinCallback().

◆ route_msg_

carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_msg_

◆ route_pub_

carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr<carma_planning_msgs::msg::Route> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_pub_

Definition at line 316 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by setPublishers(), and spinCallback().

◆ route_state_msg_

carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_state_msg_

Definition at line 278 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

◆ route_state_pub_

carma_ros2_utils::PubPtr<carma_planning_msgs::msg::RouteState> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::route_state_pub_

Definition at line 315 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by setPublishers(), and spinCallback().

◆ rs_worker_

◆ speed_limit_

double route::RouteGeneratorWorker::speed_limit_ = 0

Definition at line 307 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and spinCallback().

◆ tf2_buffer_

tf2_ros::Buffer& route::RouteGeneratorWorker::tf2_buffer_

Definition at line 347 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and initializeBumperTransformLookup().

◆ tf2_listener_

std::unique_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformListener> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::tf2_listener_

Definition at line 348 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by initializeBumperTransformLookup().

◆ tf_

geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped route::RouteGeneratorWorker::tf_

Definition at line 343 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb().

◆ vehicle_pose_

boost::optional<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> route::RouteGeneratorWorker::vehicle_pose_

Definition at line 260 of file route_generator_worker.hpp.

Referenced by bumperPoseCb(), and setActiveRouteCb().

◆ world_model_

carma_wm::WorldModelConstPtr route::RouteGeneratorWorker::world_model_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: